Friday, August 16, 2024

Great article re: women and others in tech, read it!

A great recommendation from a reader that I'd like to share with you!

…"I wanted to reach out to tell you how much I appreciate your site. 

While reading your page here: noticed that you were mentioning, which is a site I like a lot.

Since we have the same common interest in women's empowerment and feminism, I wanted to share this helpful guide I found, about women in the hi-tech industry:

It gave me a lot of insight into the state of the women who work in the hi-tech area, also I found it of great help to promote women in tech and I think it would be a great resource to share with your readers, especially the female ones.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle
STELLA GIBBONS Cold Comfort Farm  
NICK HORNBY Fever Pitch 
 HELEN SIMONSON Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. 
 DODIE SMITH I Capture the Castle 
 Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day WINIFRED WATSON 
 The Family Fang. KEVIN WILSON 


 Herzog.. SAUL BELLOW 
 The Unbearable Lightness of Being MILAN KUNDERA 
 The Bluest Eye TONI MORRISON 
 The Bell Jar... SYLVIA PLATH 
 Last Exit to Brooklyn HUBERT SELBY, JR.
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept. ELIZABETH SMART 
 To the Lighthouse. VIRGINIA WOOLF 
 Revolutionary Road. RICHARD YATES

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Fwd: Heisenberg and Schrodinger are on a road trip, when a cop pulls them over. The officer walks up and asks if they know how fast they’re going.

It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

Jean-Paul Sartre is sitting at a French cafe, revising his draft of Being and Nothingness. He says to the waitress, "I'd like a cup of coffee, please, with no cream." The waitress replies, "I'm sorry, Monsieur, but we're out of cream. How about with no milk?"

Werner Heisenberg, Kurt Gödel, and Noam Chomsky walk into a bar. Heisenberg turns to the other two and says, "Clearly this is a joke, but how can we figure out if it's funny or not?" Gödel replies, "We can't know that because we're inside the joke." Chomsky says, "Of course it's funny. You're just telling it wrong."

Heisenberg and Schrodinger are on a road trip, when a cop pulls them over. The officer walks up and asks if they know how fast they're going. Heisenberg replies that they do not, but know with high precision where they are. The cop thinks that's weird, and begins to search the vehicle. He opens the trunk and asks, "did you know you've got a dead cat in the trunk?" Schrodinger says, "well, *now* we do."

 What's the contour integral around western Europe? Zero, all the poles are in eastern Europe

Thursday, October 12, 2023


I think this is good advice for nerdy women also, including myself…


January 18, 2017

In her TED Talk, The power of vulnerability(the fourth most-watched in the series, with 28 million views and counting), Brene Brown discusses research showing that we build connections, contentment and credibility when we "show up as we really are."

And "as we really are" is wounded—vulnerable.


Maybe not right at this moment. Perhaps you don't characterize your struggles as hurts. Maybe, like me, you've been conditioned to believe that you should always appear strong.

It's difficult for me to acknowledge when I hurt. In fact, whether it was my athletic coaches telling me to play through the pain or my friends regularly competing for who was coolest and toughest, boys in the culture where I grew up were socialized to eschew pain.

All this means that Brene Brown, leadership consultants and marriage and family therapists who advocate vulnerability have placed many people, notably men, into a difficult situation.

Do something contrary to everything I was socialized and modeled to do my entire life?

Many men are like the guy I ate lunch with last month. When the topic of vulnerability came up, he said, "My wife says she wants me to be more vulnerable, but I don't even know how!"

Here are some ideas on how to be vulnerable, even if vulnerability isn't your natural thing:

  1. Accept that you have issues…on the inside. Consider your addiction, avoidance, rushing, distraction, preoccupation or sleeplessness. That's where you might find your vulnerability.
  2. Develop emotional vocabulary.Vulnerability is most appropriately characterized through emotive words. When we talk about relational vulnerability, we're talking about wounds of the heart and mind – like anxiety, fear, sadness, or shame.
  3. Discern safe people and places.Not every situation or person is appropriate for revealing your vulnerability. But there are probably more appropriate situations and people than you might think. Disclosure of vulnerability is often less risky than you might worry it would be. In fact, you'll likely discover that acknowledging your vulnerability will be viewed as an act of strength and courage.
  4. Describe what's happening on the inside. It's tempting to just talk about the externalities around vulnerability. Rather than saying, "We are behind budget, and my boss is really being a jerk about it," you might say, "I'm feeling concerned about our budget status. It's making me feel insecure about our team's progress. It's also hard for me to talk with my boss about it."
  5. Impress people with how you share, not what you share. Another temptation is to say things that we think might make others think more of us. I've never been impressed, for example, when someone tells me in a job interview that a weakness they have is "caring too much" or "working too hard." I'm much more impressed when someone admits something faulty about themselves, but they do it in a way that is honest, curious and courageous. I think, "That's someone I can work with."
  6. Commit to regular practice. Even when things seem to be firing on all cylinders, if I'm honest, I'm feeling mixed. I may be feeling distracted, proud or worried that the momentum won't continue. I'm a human being. I always have vulnerabilities. I try to bring vulnerability into work presentations, one-on-one meetings with colleagues and even with clients. The more I practice showing up as I really am, the more fluent I become.
  7. Self-affirm who you are. Voicing vulnerabilities is not self-condemnation, self-pity or self-effacing. It's the opposite. It's a declaration of courage and humanity. And you need to remind yourself of that. Everyone has vulnerability. Everyone. It's the strong, the self-aware and the honest who can tell people about it.
  8. Make space for reciprocation. You give a great gift to your family, your organization and your community when you not only show vulnerability but also support vulnerability. This means showing up as you really are…and then shutting up so others can show up, too. It means listening, asking, caring and avoiding the temptations to fix or rescue. Vulnerability is relational.

How vulnerable are you? What difference would it make if you showed up more often as you really are?

Friday, August 25, 2023

Solution: 310-151 and 310-174 are not compatible, thanks to Moment lens tech support!

From: Moment <>

Thanks for reaching out to us!

I apologize for the issues you are experiencing with your dorp-in lens mounts.

Just to clarify, did you remove the trim ring that comes pre installed in the case? the clear cases trim rings are also clear on not obvious that they need to be removed before installing the mounts.

You can see a video walkthrough installing the drop-in lens mounts here.

I hope this helps clarify! if you have any other questions or need further assistance with this please let us know!


Mason Tuttle
Gear Guide

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On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 6:51 PM PDT, Connie ODell <> wrote:
310-151 and 310-174 are not compatible. They do not fit together. I bought these for my iPhone 13 mini on the advice of your website. What the heck?
The case fits the iPhone fine, but the lens mounts are definitely a problem. I am going to africa tomorrow, and this is real annoying. Even one edge of the lens mount does not fit into the opening of the case. Is this a problem with the clear cases (which look like regular cheap cases), that the lens mounts don't fit? The website does not indicate that. I would have gotten the solid colored case if it came in anything but black (???).


Monday, June 26, 2023

Do not buy IMG travel medical insurance unless you never plan to claim any medical expenses

IMG travel medical insurance - The most terrible travel medical insurance I have ever dealt with! Today, a rep told me we would have to provide lifetime medical records for my husband in order to prove he didn't have a pre-existing condition. She seemed very sure! I wish I'd found the real reviews sooner, as this seems to be the standard claim denial reason from IMG...

If anyone would like to suggest how one protests the behavior of a chronically claim-underpaying company, I'd like to see it. I'm not the first person to complain to the BBB or on twitter or facebook...
(P.S. One of my friends suggested complaining to the AG of Colorado.  Might try it.  ??)

Other people's complaints, all over the internet (the good reviews are uniformly from people that did *not* make claims):

(several of these are frighteningly similar to my experience)

Monday, January 2, 2023

Diversity Book Club: They Called Us Enemy by George Takei In-Person Special Guest Marge Taniwaki will be present to talk about Japanese Incarceration in America during WWII from a survivor's perspective while we explore They Called Us Enemy by George Takei. Enjoy coffee and tea while we chat. You can also listen to Marge's Oral History in Carnegie Library's Oral History Project. Diversity Book Club meets the second Tuesday every other month. Generously sponsored by the Boulder Library Foundation. Date: Tuesday, Jan 10 2023 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Location: George Reynolds Meeting Room, George Reynolds Branch Audience: Adult Categories: Discussion Groups

Diversity Book Club: They Called Us Enemy by George Takei In-Person

Special Guest Marge Taniwaki will be present to talk about Japanese Incarceration in America during WWII from a survivor's perspective while we explore They Called Us Enemy by George Takei.

Enjoy coffee and tea while we chat.

You can also listen to Marge's Oral History in Carnegie Library's Oral History Project.

Diversity Book Club meets the second Tuesday every other month.

Generously sponsored by the Boulder Library Foundation.

Tuesday, Jan 10 2023
2:00pm - 3:00pm
George Reynolds Meeting Room, George Reynolds Branch

  Discussion Groups